Watch Report — November 30, 2012

Watch Focus: Revival in Europe

You Have Been Commissioned!

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)

Watch Leader: Psalm 103. The Holy Presence of God is present here tonight. Lord, we welcome Your Presence. Jesus, You are awesome in this place. Rev. 4:8.

Watchman: Laugh at the lie the devil is telling you. We are going to have a wonderful time of praise in this revival atmosphere. We bless Mahesh and Bonnie who are in Switzerland. We pray the glory of God burst out in their midst with signs, wonders and miracles. Acts 3:19. May times of refreshing come.

Message: Paul and Kasha Foster

Kasha Foster: I was brought back to my college years when I was going to a watch night service. I went to the service with my family.  I had never encountered the Lord where I could be free. He was in the house. My mind changed. I saw myself as I really was. I was deceived before that. When His Presence came, I was undone. What’s your story?

Revival. The pastors carry revival. We long for it, and are blessed to hear others talk about it. How many were here on 11-11-11? At this time the Lord showed me a map of the United States and a foot in the middle of the map. He said, “Don’t long for the Reagan years. Don’t long for the Clinton years. Long for the Year of the Lord!” What is the Year of the Lord? Is it 365 days or a small window of time? No, the Year of the Lord is what God is doing now. I thought of Luke 4:18-19. He is healing, cleansing, saving and bringing awareness and He’s using us to do it.

This is not something you have to do. It’s internal. You are aware of God and flowing with Him. We have access to God’s reality. Stay in the bubble. Meditate on the Word. Believe God. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. How many laborers do we have? Are we longing to see change in the earth? We carry the glory of God.

Joshua 5: 13-15 is the disposition we are to have. I am an ambassador. I am not of this world. Get a different perspective; a higher perspective; God’s perspective. Something has to change.

Recently, I came home and my three year old was coughing horribly. I said to myself, “I don’t need this cough now”. Finally, I was done and got my anointing oil, rubbed it on my hands and rebuked it in Jesus name. He was healed. We have to get fed up and say, “Abundance, peace and fruitfulness is my inheritance!” There are others who accessed the bubble when it was accessible. We have access. Some were fed up like the Phoenician woman with the child vexed with an evil spirit. By faith, she said the dogs get to eat the crumbs. The woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. She knew the doctors didn’t have the answer. The centurion stepped out on behalf of his servant.

How much more can we have access? Let the Lord put His foot down in our agenda and follow Him!

Paul Foster: What is the mission of the Church? The Father wants to stir us up and remind us of the vision of the Father and the mission of the Church. Proverbs 29:18. Habakkuk 2:2. 

If you would give me a hammer, nail and wood blocks, you can show me how to do it and I’ll do it for a while; but I need to know the visionI have to see and understand to do a quality and on time job. To bring it about, the vision must be continually reinforced. He wants you to catch the vibration, and be stirred up.

The Father’s vision is John 3:16. For multitudes of souls to receive eternal life through Christ. God wants the entire planet individual by individual. The Father’s vision is the Father’s heart……..his children!

I had a vision some years ago and I was following Jesus through the wilderness. He had so much joy bubbling over like a volcano. We were singing and following. There were flowers everywhere. Something caught my eye and I turned away and saw nothing there. When I turned back around, Jesus was gone. Overwhelming grief came over me. I ran into a cave. I saw myself, and then I saw Jesus in slow motion.  He stopped and a holy awe went across the land. He told the others to stay there until He returned. Jesus was looking for me, and then He called my name. It was like He really knew me, and He knew me for a million years. He was crying as He called me. He came to the cave and saw me. I said, “What?” He said, “Although there are many in my fold, it is incomplete when you are not there”.

He wants the world one (won) by one. His vision is His children. He wants His lost children back. It’s the love of God.

The Mission of the Church. Church is the called out ones….as individuals and as an assembly. Our mission: Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, Acts 1 “As the Father has sent me into the world, I am now sending you as my witnesses to go into the world system and every sector of society and proclaim the good news of repentance and forgiveness of sins, salvation through faith in Christ, and the Kingdom of God.  Baptize and disciple those who receive your message and I will baptize them in the Holy Spirit.  As you go, I will accompany and work with you granting signs, wonders, and miracles to confirm your message.”  Imagine Christ’s followers receiving this personal commission from the resurrected Christ!

Imagine that. What would it do to your mind? This is the context of the mission of the Church. They have total dominion over death. He commissioned them to go! That explains the rapid growth of the early church.

We must ensure it’s in accordance with the Father’s mission. This message brings alignment. Matthew 28:18-20. We are to go and make disciples. We have the same power and authority. We must look at Jesus.
Follow the model of Jesus: Reach, Teach, Train, Mentor, Impart and Commission.

The vibration of revival is the “Go” of the gospel to fulfill the mission.

Prophetic Words/Visions

  • Prayer: Tonight, we align with the vision of the Father. We want to make sure You receive all that You shed Your blood to do. We will give ourselves to Your vision. The angels rejoice when one comes to Jesus. We receive Your impartation. An intersection of our lifestyle with You God that lost souls will be reconciled to You.


I went up for prayer tonight. My gum was swollen underneath where I have a crown on my molar tooth. It was throbbing with pain and I could not close my teeth together. Not even five minutes after I received prayer, the swelling went completely away and I have no pain. Praise God!

 The Watch 