Weekly Watch Focus: Release the Spirit of Elijah: Bind Witchcraft

FRIDAY, Mar 15, 2013, Let us specifically welcome the Spirit of Elijah over our families, churches, and the nation. Bind the evil spirit of witchcraft attacking families, church leaders, and consuming our culture. This spirit tries to replace and destroy God-given authority in churches and nations. In our nation, this power substitutes humanism and socialism for the Judeo-Christian values honored by the Founding Fathers . This spirit is typified in the Bible by Jezebel who tried to destroy God-given leaders, replacing them with those who bowed to evil. God releases the Elijah anointing to break the yoke of the spirit of witchcraft. We pray, “Come Spirit of Elijah and give us victory over this evil power and release revival and fatherhood in our midst.”

Mal 4:6, “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

1 Kings 18; 1 Kings 21:25; Rev. 2:20

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