Weekly Watch Focus: Decree for America

FRIDAY, July 4, 2014 As we celebrate America’s birthday, we prophesy as we pray God’s blessing for our nation. We fill the heavens with sounds of rejoicing and praise for the uniqueness of America and its call as a beacon of freedom down through our history. We honor the Founders who gave us our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We cry out for Great Awakening and return to the foundations that make America a land of liberty and prosperity. We declare honor for God in all our institutions, and that our nation will continue to be favored and blessed.
We decree the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
Humility and patience is better than pride.
We prophesy concerning our national destiny:
May the Lord who made heaven and earth 
depose the arrogant man from his throne as in the days of Daniel.
Let the wicked be caught in their pride according to Psalm 59:12.
Let the Lord alone be exalted according to Isaiah 2:11.
We prophesy that America shall call to mind 
the blessings the Lord has set before us. 
We decree she shall return to the LORD our God.
America, listen and obey His voice!
With all your heart and with all your soul  
In all that He has commanded, return today.
We prophesy that the Lord our God
Will restore our fortunes and have compassion on us.
The Lord our God will gather us as a nation
From all the foreign gods and vain philosophies
Where we have been scattered.
He will bring us again as His own inheritance
To the land that our fathers possessed;
America will again fear the Lord
And walk in His ways;
Then shall He make us more prosperous and numerous than before.
We make the decree according to Gen. 12:3,  
America will always be Israel’s friend and chief ally.
We decree according to Isaiah 33:
The LORD is our King!
The LORD is our Lawgiver!
The LORD is our Judge!
He will save us!
Not one among us shall be sick!
We speak to the spiritual storm hovering over our nation
In the name of Jesus, "Peace be still!"
We speak to the powers of wickedness and darkness—
Every knee shall bow and every authority pay homage to the Son of God!

This is our prayer 
This is our decree, and the LAMB says AMEN!


 The Watch 
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