Why Fast? Part 2

My knees are weak through fasting, and my flesh is feeble from lack of fatness… Psalm 109:24

4. We fast to be purified from sin (and to help others become purified as well)
5. We fast to become weak before God so God’s power can be strong.
6. We fast to obtain God’s support in order to accomplish His will.

Fasting is a conscious inward choice demonstrated in an outward act that says you want God’s power to flow through you. You want God’s answer, not yours. You want God’s will and not your own. You want God’s wisdom and not your own understanding.

Heavenly Father, I want to walk in greater freedom and victory by Your power. I repent and break the power of ________besetting sin in my life in the name of Jesus. Thank you for setting me free.

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, 9/17/2010

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