Priority in Prayer

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt 6:33).

What is God’s answer for America? What is His solution for your family? What will turn around our economy?

Jesus gave us His simple solution 2,000 years ago: Seek first the Kingdom, then your food, your clothes, all these things are taken care of. In other words, “Don’t sweat the small stuff!” When you make God’s agenda your agenda, then all the little details will fall into place. Let the big define the small.

What is His big picture? His Kingdom. What are the big questions? Are you a follower of the Holy Spirit? Do you welcome Jesus? What will bring your family, your city and our nation into God’s blessing? Making God and His Kingdom first in your life.

Abba, Father. I lift up my nation before You. We have fallen short of the call to righteousness and glory that You planted here in this land. We have allowed Your name to be taken out of our government and our schools. We have forgotten our godly roots and heritage, and tried to erase Your hand from our history. We pray for Your mercy, and we pray for Your visitation once again. Come, Holy Spirit awaken America and heal our land. Your Kingdom come and will be done in our nation.

Mahesh Chavda, 10/11/2010

 The Watch 
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What is God’s answer for America? What is His solution for your family? What will turn around our economy? Jesus gave us His simple solution 2,000 years ago: Seek first the Kingdom
There is one thing that God has clearly commanded every one who calls on His name to pray for: Jerusalem. It is the city He calls by His name.
Jesus asked an amazing question related to prayer: “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” In other words, Jesus is saying that your faith is directly expressed by your prayer life.
In Luke 18:1-8, the widow demonstrates the power of persistent, insistent and focused prayer.
The enemy hates prayer, particularly corporate prayer, because he knows that when two or more come into agreement with the Holy Spirit, the devil will lose every time.
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