Humility: The Position of Triumph

I humbled myself with fasting… (Psalm 35:13).

The scriptural way to humble yourself before God is fasting. It is a way that you can tell your soul (your mind, will and emotions) who’s boss. It is almost humorous how our souls react when we fast. Attitudes that you didn’t even know were there will surface. Your emotions may be heightened. Fasting will bring all sorts of things to the surface, and each time is an opportunity to get greater cleansing, deliverance and discipline over your soul. As you do, God’s grace will come (see Prov. 3:34).

Lord, I am fasting the fast You have chosen because I need more of Your grace. I pray, Holy Spirit, that you would search my heart and show me the areas that are out of alignment with my heavenly Father’s will so I can repent and be changed. Make me an agent of Your healing grace in my family, church and nation.

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, 9/21/2010

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